We had a good group this time. All 0f them were first timers to Chile but good fisherman. I was excited to show them the wonders of Patagonia and the Picacho Lodge. It's not just about the fishing. It's about exploring and experiencing new cultures and traditions along with remote fishing opportunities.
The Picacho Lodge is a remote lodge that provides upscale lodging and services in a remote location that can only be reached by jet boat. There are no roads. You will probably fish the entire week and not see another fisherman. The lodge holds up to 6 guests. There will be two guests per guide. All guides speak english to some degree so communications is not an issue.
Below is the first post of our trip, but be sure and check back for our next posting.
Chilean Patagonia, a mountain of Beauty

before I got up there with the camera.
This is just a taste, stop back for part 2 of our Chilean Adventure. As always if you have any questions feel free to give me a call. It's time to begin planning your trip to Chile. I don't have the dates yet, but it will be in February or the Chilean summer.
Until next time, big fish to you,
Scott McClintock
RSM Fly Fishing